CTIH connects research, publishing, dissemination and teaching activities carried out within various humanities disciplines, which have an emphasis on Theory. CTIH covers the transdisciplinary field of contemporary Theory, which has functioned as a generator of new ideas, scientific approaches and methodologies since the 1960s. In this way, Theory has changed disciplinary frameworks through the various new thinking procedures it has introduced, but has also become independent as a separate type of critical discourse that addresses questions and problems broader than individual fields of research (discourse theory, semiotics, postcolonial theory, feminist theory, gender theory, Marxist theory, narratology, the politics of aesthetics, trauma theory, media theory, etc.). Building on the rich theoretical heritage, but also considering the capacities of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the activities that will be carried out within the CTIH will focus, on the one hand, on contemporary theoretical responses to current cultural and social challenges, and on the other, on specific individual phenomena that will serve as a starting point for theoretical reflection.